Monday, February 3, 2014

A Miracle of Hope by Ruth Reid

I just finished A Miracle of Hope this morning.    It is a wonderful book of the love and trust in the Lord and his plan for each of us.  The characters  were wonderful and reacted as most of us would in the same situation. 

Lindie finding herself expecting a child out of wedlock faces the church congregation and her brother Eli arranges a marriage for her with his friend, Josiah, a man she has never met.  However, in her desperate situation, she enters into this marriage as an agreement that she will take care of Josiah and Hannah, his daughter and she will be provided for.  No love is part of the arrangement. 

Hannah, being deaf, causes stressful situations for Lindie when she arrives, running off and not letting anyone know where she has gone and why.  Lindie's pregnancy is difficult and causes her to have health issues.  Josiah, shows that he is a caring person and takes care of Lindie as she goes through her difficult problems. 

Lindie feels lonely and unhappy in this arranged situation and eventually makes a few friends and as time passes, both struggle with things of their past.  Both are hesitant to confide in the other.  It is hard to know whether their marriage will survive the many trials that happen. 

Hannah displays acts of faith and prayer that brings the family together, but will the struggles that they experience bring them closer as a family or tear them apart?

I really enjoyed this book.  I would love to see a series develop from this book.  I would also like to read more from this author.

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