Saturday, August 4, 2018

Hearts of the Fathers by Darryl Harris

This book was one that I checked out of the local library where I live.  The synopsis in the back sounded like part of my life.  My mother lived in Germany at this time and experienced or witnessed many of the type of events that are written about in this book.  As did my father, who was drafted into the Hitler Jugend.  I actually got this book for my mom to read, and I wasn't sure if she really "liked" it, because she said it brought back too many memories.  But for me it was a most fascinating book. 

The book also talked about the hidden church records in the salt mines of which I have heard much, being a professional German genealogist and studying about the history of the War and what transpired with the many church books.

To me, it was a most interesting and captivating book.  Couldn't put it down. 

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