Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Blog Tour: Winds of Change Series and Author Guest Post with Giveaway!

Welcome to my blog Debbie!

I am happy to have a guest post by author Debbie Lynne Costello.  She is going to tell us about her Winds of Change Series.  

In my debut novel, Sword of Forgiveness, the hero has to work through the results of a border skirmish between his men and a Scottish village. He suffers with memories of the bloody battle until he is finds peace in the Lord. In the sequel, my new release, Sword of Trust, Bryce has his own problems with the border. It seems there is much reiving going on and he is forever having to deal with the stealing, burning, and destruction of property.

 England and Scotland have had a tumultuous past. Scotland is said to have been founded as a kingdom around 843. England became a sovereign state in 927. The two kingdoms have fought many a battle over land. Because of this, the border between the two countries fluctuated with the strength of a nation. If I counted correctly there were at least 35 wars and battles with just England!

 Because of this animosity between the two kingdoms, reivers arose who would go over the border and steal cattle, burn crops, raid houses and burn them. This type of activity went on during the end of the 13th and turn of the 14th century as well. The kings of both countries were tired of the battles and skirmishes that never seem to end and pretty much left it a wild and unforsaken land that the border lords tried to keep under control.

 In Sword of Trust, you’ll find Bryce, an English lord, going head to head with a strong willed female Scottish reiver, pretending to be a lad. She has been brought up to hate the English. Read Sword of Trust, a novel full of historical facts and step back in time to border conflicts, a country in turmoil, and a king about to be dethroned.

Get your copy here

Book 2 in the Winds of Change Series

Deirdre Mackenzie has spent her life hiding from her father and hating the English. However, when she is caught stealing from an English laird, his unexpected kindness begins to melt away her hatred and strums lonely heartstrings longing for love. Bryce Warwick discovers the “boy” caught with his livestock is actually a young woman. After several attempts to lure the truth from her, he determines she is as deceitful as his late fiancée who nearly cost him his life. But the woman is the least of his worries with the turbulence brought on by threats of another border war and by King Richard's distrust of the nobles.

With old wounds in need of healing and adversaries who would ruin their chances at true love, both must learn to trust in a way they never knew possible.

The stakes are high, secrets prevail, and treason is just a kiss away.


Debbie Lynne Costello is the author of Sword of Forgiveness, Amazon's #1 seller for Historical Christian Romance. She has enjoyed writing stories since she was eight years old. She raised her family and then embarked on her own career of writing the stories that had been begging to be told. She and her husband have four children and live in upstate South Carolina with their 4 horses, 3 dogs, a miniature donkey, and 6 pekin ducks.

The winner can choose an ebook of their choice.  If there are at least 10 comments, the winner will receive a book in the format of their choice! So tell your friends!  
Please be sure to leave your email address in a safe way, so you can be contacted if you are the winner!


  1. nice cover
    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  2. Yes, wasn't it sad the way they kept fighting and hating each other year after year!

  3. Hey BN! Thanks for coming by. I love my cover! That is always a good thing!

  4. Hey Kay!! Thanks for coming by here too! Yes! It was sad. The border wars and skirmishes went on for hundreds of years.

  5. The cover is nice and the book looks interesting.

    1. Thank you, Marion! I really was happy with this cover! They did an awesome job with it! I hope you get a chance to read it!

  6. Love those Scots even if the English don't! jarning67(at)hotmail(dot)com

  7. I love Historical Christian Romance because I learn so much about history, plus it's clean romance. What more could a reader want? This series sounds intriguing. Good luck with your sales, Debbie.

  8. Would love to win a print copy! Thanks for the opportunity to enter a giveaway! Lual Krautter Email: krautter62520AToutlookDOTcom

  9. I'll definitely be checking out these books! My g grandparents came to Australia from Scotland in the late 1800s and I'm fascinated by all the history of the country
